20 Ways to Market Commercial Space
A strong marketing campaign will have an omnipresence. You should be hitting your target market from every angle at all times. Below are 20 ways to establish an omnipresence and capture your market’s attention.
1. Property Website
Create a dedicated website exclusively for your available commercial space. Include all relevant space information and a downloadable PDF. Buy a custom domain with the property’s address for easy branding. View a sample of property specific websites Here.
2. Company Website
Include a listing page within your company website highlighting all of the details and benefits of your available space. Create links throughout your website pointing to this unique property page.
3. Blog
If you have a blog that you regularly update, write a post about your space. Take it a step further and link the post to your property specific website as well as your company website. Try to get others to promote your blog post.
“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.”
4. Press Release
Draft a press release related to the property and submit for review and distribution by a news outlet. Do this as soon as possible and include your future plans for the building and how it will benefit the community.
5. Email Blast
Utilize your email database to send out an email campaign promoting your property. Try creating a new email database targeting only warm potential prospects. Include a call-to-action and track email open rates.
6. Newsletter
Do you send out a newsletter? If not, you should make this a regular practice. Include your listing as part of a bigger newsletter and make a connection to a related topic or idea. Include links in the newsletter to your property website.
7. Email Signature
Temporarily modify your email signature to include a link to your property specific website. By doing so, every email you send out becomes a free marketing tool. Rotate the link display text to encourage continued click through.
8. Personal Email
Create an email template to send out to your close friends and colleagues. See if they know anyone that could be interested in the space and ask them to share your listing with their network of contacts.
9. Print Materials
Design a visually appealing flyer, brochure, or offering memorandum for your space. The layout should be simple and to the point. Include high quality photography and a link to the property specific website.
10. Vendors
Reach out to your group vendors and educate them on your available space. Get them to include your listing on their newsletter. Vendors could include: photographers, designers, architects, contractors, lawyers, accountants, etc.
11. Real Estate Portals
Utilize large commercial real estate portals such as Costar, LoopNet, OfficeSpace, and others to get your available space in front of prospects and other brokers. Consider going premium and upgrading your portal listing.
12. Instagram
Create an Instagram post for your property and make sure to use relevant hashtags and include a location. Try sending direct messages to other real estate related profiles to get your space featured on their account.
13. Facebook & LinkedIn
Publish a post about your space and include relevant market data or interesting real estate information related to your property. Ask your Facebook/LinkedIn friends to repost and potentially offer a referral fee.
14. Direct Mailing
Send postcards to local businesses about the available space and reference your property specific website where they can find more information. Make sure to ask your post office about bulk mail rates.
15. Video
Create a quick video about your space. Most cellphones shoot quality video and this is a free means of advertising. Ask existing tenants for a video testimonial about the property and publish it across your social media platforms.
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”
16. Local Partnerships
Go door-to-door and create relationships with local businesses and community members. Create symbiotic partnerships in which you help market their business and in exchange, they help market your space.
17. Print Publications
Reach out to several magazine or newspaper publications and get bids for placing a classified real estate ad. Ask how frequent issues are released and what readership demographics are. If the cost is nominal, secure a paid ad.
18. Networking Events
Find local networking events and conferences to attend and bring your property promo materials with you. Research which events your potential tenants would most likely attend and meet prospects face-to-face.
19. Chamber of Commerce
Research your local chamber of commerce and become a member. Attend upcoming chamber events to share your listing with other members. Ask the chamber if they offer any advertising opportunities.
20. Temporary Use
Use your available space to host pop-up events or lease out the space to a temporary user. This will get people inside the space and bring much needed energy to your vacant building.
If want to learn how we market property using these techniques and many more visit our contact page or call 805.900.3000.